July 01, 2021
How Can Vitamin E Help Your Body

Everyday, we are bombarded by stress, pollution, and other environmental stressors. And this can really took a toll on the body, especially causing oxidative stress and formulation of free-radicals in the body. That’s why in order to keep our body in tip-top condition, besides exercise of course, we need to consume food that are rich in various compounds and nutrients. Because a lot of the essential nutrients are found in the foods we eat, our bodies can’t produce it in our own.
One of the heroes in preventing or mitigate the oxidative stress is an intake of Vitamins. One of the handful fat-soluble vitamins is Vitamin E. It’s a fat - soluble vitamin, which means it can penetrate the cell easier as compared to water soluble vitamins.
Found in sunflower, peanuts, and almonds, Vitamin E is vitamin that is responsible for various biological processes in the body. Here are some the benefits if Vitamin E inside the body.

1. Enhance cognitive ability and reducing decrease in cognitive function and neurodegenerative diseases. Alpha tocopherol, the vitamin E version that is mostly active in humans. Vitamin E helps mop free radicals that are scattered through out the body. By donating a pair of electron, “free radicals” that can roam freely inside the human body are stabilized through electron donation. the said “free radicals”, are then stabilized, preventing further cellular damage to the host.

2. Cellular Membrane Protection - Since they are fat soluble, They can almost freely enter and exit the cell. In the case of Vitamin E, it helps in stabilizing the cellular membrane. Providing a stable structure and tighter packaging. Having a healthy cellular membrane, can help your cells perform its duties at its peak.

3. Disease Prevention - Besides being a good antioxidant, Vitamin E also has immune enhancing and anti-inflammatory properties.
But take note, If you are not sure on the effects of Vitamin E in your body, it is best to gradually introduce it to your diet. Even better if you can consult a board-certified physician or healthcare worker for any nutrient and dietary advice.