March 03, 2022
How to get your calcium other than milk?

It’s what makes our bones and teeth stronger. But it’s not just for the bones & teeth. Calcium is also crucial for regulating heart function, activating vitamin D, and nerve function. This mineral can be found in large amounts in the bones (approx. around 99%) and the remaining amounts are scattered on other organs and tissues. But what if you are one of the few people who are lactose intolerant or have some sensitivity to milk and dairy? Is there a way to still get your calcium, through a non-dairy source? Or do you just want to implement some dietary changes?
That’s here are a few alternatives to help you get that calcium fix for your body.

1. Yogurt - besides the probiotics that can help maintain gut health, it's also a good source of calcium. Approximately a serving of around 245 grams of plain yogurt, contains around 23% of the daily value of calcium.

2. Fish like Sardines - If you don’t have access to fresh fish. Canned fish (bonus if bones are present). Thanks to the bones present in them. Fish are an excellent source of calcium. Even better, besides calcium, fish also contains high-quality protein and essential fatty acids like Omega - 3. But take note. Be careful with the overconsumption of fish, since they contain teeny tiny traces of mercury.
3. Beans. Seeds and Lentils - they are also high in fiber, and other essential trace minerals like potassium and magnesium. A cup amounting to at least 179 grams of beans that are cooked, contains 3% - 4% of the required daily value of calcium.

4. Nuts - Like almonds contains high traces of calcium. What’s better, there is now almond milk that is sold in many supermarkets.

5. Leafy greens - Like micro-greens, kale, spinach, and collard greens. They are not just rich in fiber and essential nutrients, but also a great source of calcium.